Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coli's Fantastical Interview Reflection With Added Commentary By Me

Today I will be commenting upon Coli's interview reflection. Whilst looking for a post to respond to I stumbled across Coli's interview reflection and couldn't get over the pure fantasticalness of it so I really can't not respond to it.
So, basically, instead of just stating the boring facts, she really made her interview reflection interesting and like a story. She provided lots of details that made me feel like I was right there re-living the interview over again. If people who weren't present for our interview read her post, they would know exactly what it was like. Here's an example of her reflection, which is actually the very first sentence, and it immediately captures your attention and paints (or rather, writes) a picture of exactly what it was like
"The loud and constant beeping and ringing of the telephones added credence to the harried look of the busy workers as they swarmed around the small office space in desperate attempts to justify their presence there." It doesn't seem like a little assignment to simply respond to questions about the interview but it feels like a real story, and yet she still manages to keep all of the necassary information in it. I know this really has nothing to do with Africa, but, if you want to learn about the man from Africa who we interviewed, after reading this post, hopefully you will now want to read Coli's post and therefore you will learn about Africa. So, here you go:

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